Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, Reader,

I must admit that the Tolkien classic trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, is my favorite fiction book series. Way back in 1973 I read it and later was delighted with the movie trilogy. It's become a tradition to watch it every year around the holidays.

You may not agree on favorites but the concept of the "ring" being the main character in this fantastical saga is what intrigues me the most. The split personality of the antagonist, Gollum, also adds surprising possibilities to the plot.

Tolkien was one of the masterminds of creativity when it comes to writing and many creatives have copied his methods. Are you one of the masterminds? I believe that anyone who is enthusiastic about their art form can be a master.

Here's one of the things I love about Tolkien's creativity. He was a Christian and a poet and he wrote a beautiful Christmas poem:


by J.R.R. Tolkien

Grim was the world and grey last night:
The moon and stars were fled,
The hall was dark without song or light,
The fires were fallen dead.
The wind in the trees was like to the sea,
And over the mountains’ teeth
It whistled bitter-cold and free,
As a sword leapt from its sheath.

The lord of snows upreared his head;
His mantle long and pale
Upon the bitter blast was spread
And hung o’er hill and dale.
The world was blind,
the boughs were bent,
All ways and paths were wild:
Then the veil of cloud apart was rent,
And here was born a Child.

The ancient dome of heaven sheer
Was pricked with distant light;
A star came shining white and clear
Alone above the night.
In the dale of dark in that hour of birth
One voice on a sudden sang:
Then all the bells in Heaven and Earth
Together at midnight rang.

Mary sang in this world below:
They heard her song arise
O’er mist and over mountain snow
To the walls of Paradise,
And the tongue of many bells was stirred
in Heaven’s towers to ring
When the voice of mortal maid was heard,
That was mother of Heaven’s King.

Glad is the world and fair this night
With stars about its head,
And the hall is filled with laughter and light,
And fires are burning red.
The bells of Paradise now ring
With bells of Christendom,
And Gloria, Gloria we will sing
That God on earth is come.

Return to Realism

This is my favorite choice for the finals in the ARC competition. This beautiful rendition of a very young woman is title "Lady in Red-Hopeful Longing" by John Paulo Trio. What so you think?

The article that I found on the current competition shows some of the finalist art that is about to be judged in early January 2025. I'll post the winners once they are announced.

ARC stands for the Art Renewal Center and they promote realistic art. The ARC website is a perfect place to see the history of art with renditions of classic paintings but it does cost a small fee to see everything. Here's the link to their website:

Last Chance for the Early Bird Discount Rate!

You have until December 31, 2024 to save $45 on Art in the Park Saugatuck! On January 1, 2025 the cost will go up to the standard rate of $25 for Application and $120 for Registration. The event for 2025 is scheduled for September 13.

Thank you for your interest in Artist Entrepreneurs! We look forward to new events happening in the upcoming year.

Anna Donahue for Artist Entrepreneurs