New Free Webinars on Pricing and Selling Your Art, New Mural Just Finished, Artist Paint Sale

Hello Reader,

Here's What's New for 2025

  • RSVP for 2 Free Sessions (scroll down)
  • Just Finished This 47 x 13 ft Mural
  • The new Artist Entrepreneurs website is almost here! I am working with a team and will share the all new website soon.
  • Artist Paint Sale

I have been off duty for Artist-E due to a new mural that started one day after Christmas. We just finished the mural and now I'm planning to start some new FREE webinars before the end of January.

January 28: Pricing Your Artwork to SELL

One of the biggest mysteries in the artist's business world is knowing how to price artwork. This Free 30 minute session will give you valuable information on how to accurately price your artwork to sell at the optimum price.

January 30: How to Find The Best Place to Sell Your Artwork

Every artist needs a primary place to sell but there are literally hundreds of ways and places to feature your artwork. This Free 30 minute session will explore methods to determine the best location to sell your individual artwork.

Jo Sonja 40% Sale!

This is my favorite acrylic paint. It's got high pigmentation, flows easily and covers in one coat. This company caters to crafters and folk painters so most of their paint is not heavy bodied like typical tube acrylics. If you like painting on smooth surfaces or wood panels like I do, this is the best stuff!

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have." Maya Angelou

KEEP CREATING! Anna Donahue for Artist Entrepreneurs